Erasmus Project: Bad eating habits OUT, doing sports IN

Bad eating habits out, doing sports in” brings 5 schools together from Poland, Turkey, Italy, Slovenia and Greece. The aim of our project is to educate students about healthy living habits by modeling in European countries and practicing healthy living. By creating awareness, we want to motivate people for healthy human relationships and social support, and help them adopt a healthy lifestyle that harmonizes with nature through exercise and healthy nutrition. The project works on all the issues mentioned above.

There are target group students and adolescents in the project, these are our main concern. They are in transition from childhood to adulthood, and now we have to guide them to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and attitudes they will use for all their lives. Students are not just about the school environment, they also live in families, so the project influences large communities, including the families and the representatives of the local community, together with students, and all contribute to project activities.

The aim of the project is to raise awareness of different EU healthy lifestyles of 1200 students from 5 schools during the 24 months of the project. To achieve the main goal, we have set the following goals:

– To develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes of the participants towards a balanced and healthy diet

– To develop models and encourage participants to lead a healthy lifestyle

– Providing participants with learning opportunities in multicultural environments

– To ensure and enrich the international exchange of best practices.

The themes of the meetings aim to achieve the objectives related to the selected priorities: Eco-Friendly Lifestyle (TR), Healthy Food (IT), Healthy mind in a healthy body (SI), Natural Food (PL) Harmony and Peace (GR). The connection between the human community and the natural environment is clear and this is felt much better in rural areas. We will benefit from these advantages and locations of the partners. The effect of our actions on our environment and how they affect our health will be examined together.

Nature researches and sports activities will be used for information transfer by supporting students in creating health, interpersonal and team relationships. Friendship contests support group harmony and participatory lifestyle to achieve goals.

The results of our project are: First and last surveys, project logo selected as a result of the competition, project areas (ordinary and e Twinning areas), promotional materials for conferences (maps, brochures), posters, small dictionaries, Erasmus + garden. Journals: Sustainable Development and Health, Welfare and Health. Presentations: Medicinal Plants, Seminar – Reading Welfare, Healthy Living Partners Seminar, End Concert, Project DVD and Meeting Reports. Direct beneficiaries of the project will be 40 teachers and 120 students , 160 in total, most of them from disadvantaged regions. Participation at the partnership level 1200 students aged 10-15, 90 teachers and more than 200 local participants. The coordination school of the project is the school in Poland. The school is experienced in multicultural areas. Both the experience of the school and the skills of the staff will contribute to the good management of the project.

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